Wednesday 9 December 2015


My last post will be about Summative Assessment.

What is Summative Assessment?

Summative assessment is normally conducted after learning, unlike formative which is conducted during the learning process. Summative assessment focuses more on the outcome instead of the process. 

What is the purpose of Summative Assessment?

Summative Assessment is normally used for high-stake purposes. It is to make a final judgement on the students' achievements and the effectiveness of the class and teaching method.

Examples of Summative Assessment
  • National Examinations: UPSR, PT3, SPM and STPM.
  • Final Examinations in schools, colleges and universities
  • Final Projects
  • Standardized Tests

My Reflection/Opinion on Summative Assessment

In my opinion, summative assessment will motivate and encourage students to study harder. This is because summative assessment is the final judgement on the students' overall performance in school and it determines the future carreer prospects for the students. Students also feel a sense of achievement when they manage to score well in their exams.

However, this type of assessment can also lead to stress in students because as mentioned just now it determines their future and is very high stake. Besides that comparison will also occur which puts more pressure on the students. Schools also tend to prioritize too much on summative assessment instead of other types of assessments.

Suggestion to improve Summative Assessment

  1. Encourage students to study hard for summative assessment because it lets them gain knowledge and skills, not because of the results.
  2. Give more effective practices to help students with the tests.
  3. Prioritize on formative and informal assessments as well instead of only prioritizing on summative assessment.

Thursday 3 December 2015


Today, my topic on assessment in education will be about Formative Assessment

What is Formative Assessment?

Formative Assessment occurs during the instruction. It is used to guide student's learning. Students are actively involved in this assessment. It is conducted throughout the lessons in class. 

What is the purpose of Formative Assessment?

Formative assessment is used to help students get feedback on what they have learned. It also help teachers to check on the learning objectives and whether the students have achieved it or not. It also helps teachers diagnose the learning needs of students and make adjustments to let them learn better.

Characteristics of Formative Assessment

Examples of Formative Assessment

  • quiz
  • end-of-chapter tests
  • Class discussion

  • Class Activities
  • Assignments

My Reflection/Opinion on Formative Assessment

In my opinion, formative is a good way to assess students because it assess students on a day-to-day basis instead of focusing on one test result only. It helps students to improve constantly and know their level of understanding better, It is also a good practice for students to help with their summative assessment.
However, teachers tend to not focus on formative assessment as much as they do in summative assessment. In fact, some carry out assessment surprisingly to scare students into studying instead of wanting to know their progress.

Suggestion to improve Formative Assessment

  1. Teachers should focus more on formative assessment as much as they do with summative assessment.
  2. Make sure the purpose of carrying out formative assessment is to know student's level of understanding.
  3. Help students by revising and going through the topics before carrying out the assessment.